The developer has not uploaded a game yet...

A short infinite game that you need to shoot in peguins (sorry IBAMA) called Super Submarine Shooter (sorry for the horrible game name).

I know DUMBS! 

The game is very bugy!

I will fix it in future vertions.


I forgot ta say:

  • The controls

a  = move up

w  = move down

d  = move right

s  = move left

space = shoot a missile

shift + w/a/s/d = sprint

  • Restart bug

The restart dosen't work

sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • the score

i will fix it and put a text

  • the lifes

i don't know what hapend but the life bar with the hearts show only 2 hearts but i will fix it in the future too

  • full screen

i will put a full screen mode because the space move the page to down and the arrow keys move the page to up and down (in some browsers)

  • gamepad

in future i will put xbox gamepad control only xbox gamepad cause' it's the unique i have


assets1.1.0.0.rar 2 MB

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Yay :)

i got it!